# Querying

Once data are fetched by this library, they are automatically reflected onto the frontend store and available to query throughout the application. This section will detail patterns for how to query the data via the fluid query API provided by this library.

Before diving deeper, let's clarify two terms used throughout this section:

  1. Fetch - Describes retrieving data from an external API. Data fetched from external APIs are saved to the store.
  2. Query - Describes querying data directly from the Vuex store. Data available from the store must first be fetched from the API.

It's very important to note that when starting a query via Model.query(), only data currently in the Vuex store will be searched for relevant query criteria.

To start a query, use the query() method on Model objects:


This will return a query closure used to fluidly access the data via query operators:


This pattern allows developers to fluidly construct mechanisms for accessing data in complex ways. For example:

Todo.query().filter({ done: true }).has('text').offset(50).limit(3).count()

See the next section for a list of available query operators and examples of how to use them.

# Query Operators

The list of available query operators is as follows:

Method Description
filter Filter query data by specific parameters or callable
has Filter query data to include only models with non-null parameter
all Return all results of query
first Return first result of query
last Return last result of query
random Return random result of query
sample Sample n records from the query
count Collapse query into count of records
sum Collapse query into sum of values of specified property across records
min Collapse query into minimum value of specified property across records
max Collapse query into maximum value of specified property across records
offset Remove the first n records from the query
limit Limit query to the first n records
order Order query results by a Model property
shuffle Shuffle and return all records from the query.

Here are some code examples detailing how each of these methods can be used:

// filter
Todo.query().filter({ done: true }).all()
Todo.query().filter({ text: /contains text/ }).all()
Todo.query().filter(record => record.done).all()

// has

// all

// first

// last

// random

// sample

// count
Todo.query().filter({ done: true }).count()

// sum/min/max
Todo.query().filter({ done: true }).sum('priority')
Todo.query().filter({ done: true }).min('priority')
Todo.query().filter({ done: true }).max('priority')

// limit/offset

// order
Todo.query().order((a, b) => a.id > b.id).last()

// shuffle

# Filtering

As alluded to above, the filter operator can take any number of arguments. The first is a simple object detailing a value to subset property data by:

const doneTodos = Todo.query().filter({ done: true }).all()

Additionally, regular expressions are supported for filtering property values (if the property value is a string):

const todosWithText = Todo.query().filter({ text: /contains text at end$/ }).all()

To be clear, the query above will return all models where the text parameter matches the provided regular expression. You can also use multiple filters with the filter operator:

const doneTodosWithText = Todo.query().filter({ done: true, text: /contains text/ }).all()

Finally, the filter operator can also take a callable that receives a query record as input and returns a boolean describing if the record should propagate down the query chain:

const todosWithId = Todo.query().filter(record => [1, 2].includes(record.id)).all();

# Sorting

Similarly to filtering, the order operator can either take a parameter to sort by:

const orderedTodos = Todo.query().sort('text');

Or, it can contain a comparator callable that will receive two records as inputs:

const lengthSortedTodos = Todo.query().sort((a, b) => {
  return b.text.length - a.text.length;