# Overview

Let's take a top-down approach to understanding how models work with Vuex Reflect. Throughout this section of the documentation, let's focus on building a content management application with two related models: Posts and Authors. Using tools from this library, we want to define Models to help us traverse our data and reflect a backend API. Additionally, we'll be defining relationships between our Models. First, let's start with Author. The API providing Author data has the following endpoints:

  GET - Query all or a subset of authors.

  GET - Get the metadata for a single author.
  PUT - Update data for a single author.

  GET - Query all or a subset of posts for a single author.

Note that a nested endpoint exists /authors/:id/posts for querying all posts for a specific author. This can be represented in our Model definition via relations() configuraton.

The Author records from this API take the shape:

// GET /authors
  { id: 1, name: 'Jane Doe', email: 'jane@doe.com' },
  { id: 2, name: 'John Doe', email: 'john@doe.com' },

# Defining Models

Now that we understand the data involved, let's define our Author model:

import v from 'validator';

class Author extends Model {

   * API config for fetching and updating data.
  static api() {
    return {
      fetch: '/authors',
      get: '/authors/:id',
      update: '/authors/:id',

   * Property definitions for the model.
  static props() {
    return {
      * Author name.
      name: {
        default: null,
        required: true,
        type: String,
      * Author email.
      email: {
        default: null,
        type: String,
        validation: {
          check: v.isEmail,
          message: '`${value}` is not a valid email.',

   * Relationships to other objects tracked by the library.
  static relations() {
    return {
       * All posts for a single author.
      posts: {
        model: Post,
        url: '/authors/:id/posts',

Let's unpack some parts of the Author definition from above:

  1. This library provides granularity over what endpoints are used during specific types of API actions. The API subsection has more details on all available actions.
  2. Properties can define (in a declarative way) rules for mutating and validating data during updates. The Properties subsection has more information on these rules.
  3. Relationships between models where data can be fetched via API can be defined using the relations() static method. The Relationships subsection has more information on how to configure these data links.

Now that we've defined our Author Model, let's define our Post Model. The API providing Post data has the following endpoints:

  GET - Query all or a subset of authors.

  GET - Get the metadata for a single post.
  PUT - Update data for a single post.
  DELETE - Delete a specific post.

  GET - Get metadata for the author of a post.

  POST - Archive a post.

  GET - Get the change history for a single post.
  POST - Add new item to post change history.

Note that several nested endpoints exist for the Post model. These are represented in our Model definition via relations(), actions(), and queries() configuration.

The Post records from this API take the shape:

// GET /posts
      id: 1,
      title: 'Post 1',
      body: 'This is the text for post 1',
      author: {
        id: 1,
        name: 'Jane Doe',
        email: 'jane@doe.com'
      id: 2,
      title: 'Post 2',
      body: 'This is the text for post 2',
      author: {
        id: 1,
        name: 'Jane Doe',
        email: 'jane@doe.com',

Note that Post data from the API contains nested information about related Author data. This is a commonly used pattern in web development, and this library is built to support that pattern accordingly (by saving nested Author objects in the Vuex store automatically).

In the Post model definition below, note how the nested Author configuration is represented as an entry in the props() definition:

class Post extends Model {

   * API config for fetching and updating data.
  static api() {
    return {
      create: '/posts',
      fetch: '/posts',
      update: '/posts/:id',

   * Property definitions for the model.
  static props() {
    return {
      * Post title.
      title: {
        default: 'My Post Title',
        required: true,
        type: String,
      * Post body
      body: {
        type: String,
        mutation: value => `<div>${value}</div>`,
      * Linked post author. Collapse to `author_id` when making create/update requests.
      author: {
        model: Author,
        collapse: true,
        to: 'author_id',

  static relations() {
    return {
      author: {
        model: Author,
        url: '/posts/:id/author',

  static actions() {
    return {
      archive: '/posts/:id/archive',
      history: '/posts/:id/history',

  static queries() {
    return {
      history: '/posts/:id/history',

See the Configuration section of the documentation for details on how to register these definitions with the Vuex store.

# Using Model/Collection Syntax

In the api() definitions for a Model, you can also use a Model/Collection style syntax. For example, this Model definition:

class Item extends Model {

  static api() {
    return {
      model: '/authors/:id',
      collection: '/authors',


Automatically translates to:

class Item extends Model {

  static api() {
    return {
      fetch: '/posts',
      create: '/posts',
      get: '/posts/:id',
      update: '/posts/:id',
      delete: '/posts/:id',


Using the model and collection definitions can help developers reduce boilerplate. For clarity on describing internal functionality, the rest of this documentation will not use this shorthand during explanations.

# Using Models in Components

Once these models have been defined and registered, you can use them throughout your application. As a quick example, let's take a look at a component that interacts with data from the Post model. In this component, you'll see that we need to first fetch the data before using it in the component.

// JavaScript portion of Post Feed component.
export default {
  name: 'post-feed',
  created() {
  computed() {
    allPosts() {
      return Post.query().all();
    shortPosts() {
      return Post.query().filter(x => x.body.length < 200).all();

This hints at an important principle you need to understand when using this library: only data currently from the store can be queried. It's up to developers to ensure that their store is in-sync with the data they want to have available. Fetching data from the API and into the store is easily done with Model.fetch().

The Store section provides more detail about how data flow into and out of the store. Technically, you don't even need models to use the API reflection functionality provided by this library. All Models in this module use getters and mutations from the store when accessing data.

# Querying Data

As alluded to above, once data have been fetched and added to the frontend store, you can query and interact with those data:

const post = Post.get(1); // get post by id

post.title // get author
post.author.email // get author email

And since author data was embedded in the Post fetch, you can also access Author data from the store without fetching authors:

const author = Author.get({email: 'john@doe.com'});

author.name // get author name
const authorPosts = await author.posts.fetch(); // get nested posts for author

Creating a new object is as easy as:

const obj = new Post({ title: 'my-post', body: 'This is a post.', author: author })

Once objects are created, they aren't initially saved to the store or the backend. To issue a create action that will POST data to the API and update the store, you'll need to use Model.commit():

// Create new object
const obj = new Post({ title: 'my-post', body: 'This is a post.', author: author });

// Check out property values
obj.title // 'my-post' -- local version of data has been set
obj.$.title // null -- data hasn't been committed to store

// Commit data to backend and save result in Vuex store.
obj.commit().then((result) => {
  result.title // 'my-post' -- local version of data is set
  result.$.title // 'my-post' -- store version of data is set after request

If you remember from above, the author property was set to be a linked instance of the Author model. In the property definition for author above, we set the collapse property to author_id. The effect of this is collapsing that linked model into a single property in the POST payload:

// POST /posts
  title: 'my-post',
  body: 'This is a post',
  author_id: 1,

Without setting the collapse property, the full Author json is sent in the request:

// POST /posts
  title: 'my-post',
  body: 'This is a post',
  author: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Jane Doe',
    email: 'jane@doe.com',

# Querying Relations

If you've defined relations() with your model, you can query them just like other models:

const post = Post.query().one();

// fetch author payload
post.author.fetch().then((author) => {
  // do something with author object

// update author model
const otherAuthor = Author.get(1);
await post.author.update(otherAuthor);

// fetch posts for related author
const posts = await otherAuthor.posts.fetch();

Each of these actions will automatically insert the id of the current model into the nested url, so the nested operation is fully contextualized. Inputs to actions (when required) should be other objects, and return values are objects of the Model type referenced in the relation configuration.

See the Relationships section for more information on defining nested model relations.

# Nested Actions

When nested actions() or queries() are defined, you can utilize them directly from model instances with the following syntax:

const obj = await Post.get(1);

// archive post
await obj.archive();

// query history
const history = await obj.history.fetch();

// send data to nested history url
await obj.history.update({
  action: 'updating history',
  time: 'now'

When the same key is used multiple times for a nested action (across actions and queries), the key is automatically set up as an object that can dispatch to the fetch/get/create/update/delete interface available throughout the rest of this library. Otherwise, it is configured as a callable that returns a promise containing request data.

See the Relationships section for more information on defining nested model actions and queries. The configuration for nested actions can be complex enough to accommodate most needs.

# Clearing Store Data

Single page web applications (SPWA) also need the capacity to clear data from the store when users navigate across views of the application. It might not always be necessary, but here is some code showing how to remove model data from the store once a component is destroyed:

export default {
  name: 'my-component',
  data() {
    return {
      items: [],
  created() {
    // fetch item data for the view
    Item.fetch().then((items) => {
      this.items = items;
  destroyed() {
    // clear items associated with this view
    this.items.forEach(obj => obj.remove());

    // or, to clear all items from the store

# Additional Information

This overview covered several of the high-level features provided by this library, and you can find more information about each of the concepts alluded to above in these subsections:

  1. API - Information about configuring API endpoints for fetching, updating, and querying data.
  2. Properties - Information about declaring model properties, along with mechanisms for validation and property mutations.
  3. Relationships - Information about configuring relationships between models, including API endpoints for fetching nested data.
  4. Querying - Information about querying data via model classes.
  5. Customization - Information about customizing models with custom methods.