# Setup

# Install

To use this library in a project, add the package to your package dependencies via:

npm install --save jest-axios

Or, with yarn:

yarn add jest-axios

# Configure

To configure your application to use this module, extend the Server object for serving the models in your app:

import { Server } from 'jest-axios';

// database
class App extends Server {

  data() {
    return {
      todos: [
        { name: 'foo', done: false },
        { name: 'bar', done: true },

  api() {
    return {
      '/todos': this.collection('todos'),
      '/todos/:id': this.model('todos'),

// instantiate mock server
server = App('todo-app');

And use the following to automatically mock axios requests inside jest (should happen at the top of your test file):

// required for mocking axios

// optional - reset server to initial state between tests
beforeEach(() => {

// tests
test('api.test', async () => {

  // issue request
  const response = await axios.get('/todos');

  // check status code
  assert.equal(response.status, 200);

  // check payload
  assert.equal(response.data, [
    { id: 1, name: 'foo', done: false },  
    { id: 2, name: 'bar', done: true },



When initializing the server, you must call server.init(axios) after jest.mock('axios'). Otherwise, axios will not be mocked.

When configured, this package will even mock requests nested inside the package you're testing. For example, the following tests will pass (using the server object from above):

// configure mock

// nest axios requests in other functions
async get(url) {
  return axios.get(url).then(response => response.data);

async post(url, data) {
  return axios.post(url, data).then(response => response.data);

async put(url, data) {
  return axios.put(url, data).then(response => response.data);

async delete(url) {
  return axios.delete(url).then(response => response.data);

// run tests
test('api.test', async () => {  

  // get
  assert.equal(await get('/todos'), [
    { id: 1, name: 'foo', done: false },
    { id: 2, name: 'bar', done: true },

  // post
  assert.equal(await post('/todos', { name: 'baz': done: true }), {
    id: 3,
    name: 'baz',
    done: true,

  // put
  assert.equal(await put('/todos/1', { name: 'baz' }), {
    id: 1,
    name: 'baz',
    done: false,

  // delete
  await delete('/todos/3');
    assert.fail('Request should have failed');
  } catch (err) {
    assert.equal(err.status, 404);

See the Guide for more information on how to configure mock axios servers with this library.