# Install

# Install in Project

To use this library in a project, add the package to your package dependencies via:

npm install --save auora

Or, with yarn:

yarn add auora

# Use via CDN

To use this package via CDN, import it in your project via:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/auora/dist/index.min.js"></script>

# Configuration

Once you've added the package to your project, you can import the Store object and use it like so:

import { Store } from 'auora';

const store = new Store({
  // state
  state: {
    count: 0,

  // actions
  actions: {
    increment({ state }) {
      state.count += 1;
      return state.count;

See the Guide section of the documentation for more information on how to fully utilize all of the features this library provides.

# Options

There are several configuration options you can change when using this module. The list below will likely grow throughout the lifecycle of this project:

Option Description Default
recurse Recursively commit data during state transactions. This will slow down applications storing a lot of state data but will enable an easier API for updating deeply nested data. false

Here is how you can set specific options when creating Store objects from this library:

const store = new Store({
  state: { ... },
  options: {
    recurse: false,


The code above shows all of option defaults.